Make Murano a memorable destination

By Simone Voigt
Make Murano a memorable destination

Go to Murano in Italy and experience the colorful glass up close from the street Fondamenta dei Vetrai, which runs along the canal, or at the Museo del Vetro, which houses a huge collection of Murano glass . An absolute experience if you are interested in glass art.


Find Murano lamper, glasvaser og loftlamper hos Copenhagen Venice


Take a day trip to Glass Island in the Venice Lagoon

If you are interested in experiencing how the glassblowers still work with the historic craft today, and see how glass art is created in authentic surroundings, Murano is an absolute destination.You don't need to plan your trip to Murano, on the contrary. It takes no more than 20 minutes to take the public water bus from Venice to Murano. The island is far less overrun than Venice and has a completely different calm for that very reason. About 5 live there.000 on the small island and all more or less related to the island's renowned glassblowers, which include names such as Alfredo Barbini, Archimede & Livio Seguso as well as Barovier & Toso and many more. The list of glass artists who have made their name known worldwide is long.

Murano, the island where history and renowned craftsmanship merge 

It was in Venice that the glassblowers started to have their place, but as the demand increased, so did the work and so did the fire hazard. It was therefore forbidden to work with glass, and a work ban was lifted in Venice. Instead, the glassblowers moved to Murano, where the island still abounds with glassblowers and colorful glass art. You will therefore not have to look long for a place to watch glassblowers over your shoulder, and you will probably find small workshops with only a few employees who are most likely family members. Once you have found a workshop, you will probably notice that it is the men who stand by the fire and the women who assist and help customers at the same time. That's how it's always been, and that's how it still is today. Do not take it personally if you are asked to come back at an appointed time. After all, working with glass is a hard and demanding process and one that the glassblowers at Murano cherish very much. Their glassmaking may be secret methods over generations, which they are not much for showing off, we must respect that. On the other hand, you can find a workshop to attend if you are very dedicated, and otherwise you can easily find your way to the Museo del Vetro, where all the greatest glass artists are exhibited. The museum has a unique collection of glass art produced on Murano by the greatest and most recognized glass artists of all time. Do yourself the favor of visiting the museum, because here you will get an insight into the glass techniques that characterize each artist and an overall experience of the craftsmanship you have come to experience. Beautiful chandeliers, with hand-made prisms and ornately hand-shaped finials on each individual arm of the chandeliers, adorn the museum's ceilings. They remind one of how skilled Murano glassblowers were then and still are today. It is a craft that still exists today and for good reason, there is no reason to change the traditions when it works.

Murano is unmatched quality and unique design

In the streets of Murano are shops with glass in all the variations you can possibly imagine. You will find everything from jewellery, such as earrings and glass balls as pendants for bracelets, to vases and glass figurines, such as clowns, and yes, the entire animal kingdom shaped in glass. There are almost no limits to what you can find. Maybe you just want to take the experience home, and fortunately it doesn't cost anything to watch from the street. If you are thinking of getting a small souvenir home, you can quickly buy yourself poor in the small glass figurines and other glass decorations for the home.Remember that what you find on the island is freshly produced.Moving around the island, you will soon discover that everything you approach is a reminder that Murano is centered around glass art. Close to the canal Fondamenta dei Vetra you will find the former church of Santa Chiara Murano. Today, the church is a permanent showroom where recent glass art is exhibited for tourists, and it is possible to see how glass art is made in their workshop in the church for a fee.

Read also 3 tips to recognize Murano glass