Murano Candy pendant light petroleum green swirl D:30 cm (2nd assortment - not sent)
Murano Candy pendant light petroleum green swirl D:30 cm (2nd assortment - not sent)
Murano Candy pendant light petroleum green swirl D:30 cm (2nd assortment - not sent)
Murano Candy pendant light petroleum green swirl D:30 cm (2nd assortment - not sent)
Murano Candy pendant light petroleum green swirl D:30 cm (2nd assortment - not sent)
Murano Candy pendant light petroleum green swirl D:30 cm (2nd assortment - not sent)
Murano Candy pendant light petroleum green swirl D:30 cm (2nd assortment - not sent)
Murano Candy pendant light petroleum green swirl D:30 cm (2nd assortment - not sent)
Murano Candy pendant light petroleum green swirl D:30 cm (2nd assortment - not sent)
Murano Candy pendant light petroleum green swirl D:30 cm (2nd assortment - not sent)
Murano Candy pendant light petroleum green swirl D:30 cm (2nd assortment - not sent)

Murano Candy pendant light petroleum green swirl D:30 cm (2nd assortment - not sent)

6 335 kr 8 446 kr
  • Handmade Murano glass. Mouth-blown Italian quality.
  • Iconic design. Bubble gum pink with playful swirl.
  • Magical light play. Bubbles and color play give life.
Estimated delivery date
Available in our showroom

Note about 2nd sorting
Pickup only in stock: Prags Boulevard 43, unit 6044 - 2300 Copenhagen S.
Not accepted for return
All mouth-blown glass has unique characteristics, but since the technique behind Murano lamps is incredibly complicated and challenging to master for even the best glassblowers, some will have particularly many characteristics and some will have production errors.

2nd grade can be viewed in our warehouse by appointment. Only one in stock, pictured in pictures no. 2, 3 and 4.

New Italian Murano candy pendant ceiling lamp in a beautiful petrolium green shade. Mouth-blown glass in a round shape with swirl pattern. E27 socket. Comes with adjustable suspension in solid brass.

Handmade in Italy.
D:30 cm
Weight approximately 3 kg.

Also available with swirl in round shape D:40 cm
See all Murano Candy lamps here

And with it being mouth-blown glass,  will the expression  vary from glass to glass and there  will be little magic bubbles and other unique characteristics.

The price includes VAT.

Delivery info
Free shipping within Europe. Most orders are delivered within 5-7 business days. Each piece is carefully packaged to ensure safe delivery.
We offer a 14-day return policy on all items. Each piece must be returned in its original packaging and undamaged condition.
Customer service
Our dedicated team is available Monday to Friday, 9:00-17:00 CET. We're here to help with any questions about our Murano glass collection.

Note about 2nd sorting
Pickup only in stock: Prags Boulevard 43, unit 6044 - 2300 Copenhagen S.
Not accepted for return
All mouth-blown glass has unique characteristics, but since the technique behind Murano lamps is incredibly complicated and challenging to master for even the best glassblowers, some will have particularly many characteristics and some will have production errors.

2nd grade can be viewed in our warehouse by appointment. Only one in stock, pictured in pictures no. 2, 3 and 4.

New Italian Murano candy pendant ceiling lamp in a beautiful petrolium green shade. Mouth-blown glass in a round shape with swirl pattern. E27 socket. Comes with adjustable suspension in solid brass.

Handmade in Italy.
D:30 cm
Weight approximately 3 kg.

Also available with swirl in round shape D:40 cm
See all Murano Candy lamps here

And with it being mouth-blown glass,  will the expression  vary from glass to glass and there  will be little magic bubbles and other unique characteristics.

The price includes VAT.

Mark the mood with a lamp in a room
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Hvad er Murano?
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Murano er dog langt mere end blot en smuk ø. At være Murano glaspuster er en særlig certificering og et kvalitetsstempel i sig selv. Det tager typisk 7-10 år at blive Murano glaspuster og er dermed forbeholdt de allerbedste.

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Hvad er Murano lamper?
Murano lamper er håndlavet af italienske glaspustere fra Murano eller området omkring Murano. De er kendetegnet ved deres farverige glas, mønstre og særlige form. Hos Murano Vintage kuraterer vi udelukkende originale Murano lamper samt særlige interiør objekter.

Læs om særlige kendetegn på Murano her
Hvordan bliver Murano lamperne produceret?
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Hvordan får Muranoglas sin farve?
I arbejdsprocessen med at forme en glaslampe tilføres mineraler. Det er dem, der giver glasset den smukke farve. Ind i mellem bliver både guld og sølv brugt til at danne mønster i de forskellige glaslag på både lamper, bonbonniere og andre glasobjekter.